Kick your shoes off and take a seat.
Hello, I'm Pat, and this is my website. I'm just getting started here.
I wanted to break free from the perils of contemporary social media by creating my own personalised web space.
Website topics
- Film
- Music
- Video games
- More art, literature and culture
- Blogging
- The old internet
I'm learning about HTML and CSS largely via Neocities' own resources and HTML Dog!
Coming soon:
- More blog posts, supported by Zonelets, a free blogging engine
- A comment section on blog posts
- A guestbook
- Creative writing samples
- New non-blog pages
- A custom, more personalised website theme
- A new font selection
- ...secrets...?!
Construction warning
This website is being intermittently tinkered with and may be updated without warning. Although I try to keep track of and archive each iteration of this site, I don't (yet) have a detailed changelog, nor have I set up a way for other people to access earlier versions of the site.
There's also a distinct possibility that the website will suddenly change without warning; this dynamism is part of the appeal of the internet, but it is very unprofessional. Sorry!
I hope you'll enjoy my scrappy little website regardless. Here are some vintage under construction images to help you feel better:
This image
This quote from a Wikipedia article
Music is easy to administer[1] and has no reported side effects.[2]
A poem by my friend Sam
💖 I Think My Gay Son 💖
💖 Is Just OK 💖
💖 I Have No Strong Feelings 💖
💖 Either Way 💖